Making and Breaking Boundaries in
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the 19th ILERA World Congress, Lund, Sweden, 21–24 June 2021


Lund, Skåne, and Öresund

The ILERA World Congress Goes Online!

Lund is situated in the very south of Sweden – in the region of Skåne (Scania), in the urbanised and knowledge-intensive so-called Öresund region, and within close reach of both Malmö and Copenhagen.

The spires of the Cathedral of Lund tower over a city characterized by its rich cultural and historical heritage, state-of-the-art scientific research and development, bustling business climate and investments opportunities. Lund – City of Ideas – is a place where academia, business, culture and nature thrive within bicycle distance from each other.

Photo: Johanna Lemland

Lund was founded in 990, the construction of the present cathedral started in 1085 and Lund University was founded in 1666. Today the city of Lund, with 120, 000 citizens, is very much dominated by Lund University. In Lund there is a spirit of learning more, achieving more, and making the future even brighter.
Lund is charming city that combines ancient with modern. It is said that you can spend your whole life here without finding all the quite little corners and beautiful buildings. Enjoy the museums, buzzing market squares, shops, cafés and restaurants that are just a stone’s throw away.
For more information and advice on sightseeing and interesting activities in Lund, Skåne, and in the Öresund region, see:

Visit Lund (incl. travel information):

Visit Malmö:

Visit Skåne
(Southern region of Sweden):

Visit Copenhagen: